Dental Implants

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3D illustration of dental implants.

When a person loses a tooth, a dental implant is a common intervention. With dental implants, an artificial tooth root is placed in the jawbone to provide a solid foundation. 

Information About Dental Implants

Placing artificial roots prevent jawbone loss, which happens when a tooth is missing or extracted. This is the reason why implants stand out compared to other tooth-replacement options as they not only replace the tooth but the roots as well. 

When a tooth is missing, there will be changes happening to the entire mouth. For instance, one little movement of a tooth will cause shifting of the other teeth. This can lead to an uneven bite. 

Are Implants Necessary? 

Dental implants are necessary when you have a missing tooth but don’t want to use a denture, bridge or crown. Replacing a tooth is important; leaving it unreplaced can create a series of dental problems. 

Aesthetically speaking, they are the ideal treatment to keep your smile looking good. However, they also play an essential purpose in your mouth’s overall function. First, they keep your teeth in place. Second, the jawbone is preserved. 

When a tooth is pulled, the jawbone can deteriorate from the lack of pressure from chewing. Since artificial tooth roots are present with a dental implant, the jawbone is still stimulated, preventing degeneration.

Benefits of Dental Implants 

Dental implants allow you to flash a beautiful smile that looks and feels like your natural teeth.  

Old man with dental implants smiling.

#1 Boost Self-Esteem 

This tooth-replacement alternative looks and feels like your natural teeth. They are long-lasting and support your overall mouth health. 

 #2 Help Your Speak and Chew Normally 

When you lose a tooth, you might notice changes in how you speak and even chew food. With dental implants, the comforts of eating with a complete set of teeth and speaking normally are restored. 

#3 No Removal Necessary at Bedtime 

Since the artificial tooth roots are screwed into the jawbone, you don’t need to remove them at bedtime. You brush and floss them like natural teeth. 

Are Dental Implants Right For Me? 

It is essential to visit your dentist and have your mouth checked to know if you are a good candidate for dental implants. We can help you decide which course of treatment is best for your condition. 

Dental implants are also used with bridges and dentures. They can act as an anchor to support the tooth replacement structures. With proper care, implants can last for a long time or even a lifetime. 

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